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    Cow Protection

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Cow Protection

Many wonder why the Vedic and Vaishnava cultures especially stress protection of the cow. The philosophical reason is simple: The cow is considered one of our mothers, as she gives us her milk and thus nutures our health and well being. Just as no civilized person would injure or kill their mother, the Vedas teach that to take milk from the cow and then kill her is the same as killing one’s mother. Similarly, the bull is considered like the father because the bull traditionally helps in the tilling of the fields, and thus is to be respected. In ISKCON farms no cow, bull or calf is slaughtered. We look at innovative ways to work with the bull and engage their God-given strength in the service of others, under humane and loving conditions. Regardless of milk production, cows and bulls also produce dung and urine which is valuable as fertilizer, compost, some medicines, cleaning products and biogas fuel. In the ISKCON farms they are sheltered in barns (goshala), wherein they are fed with healthy stapple and are taken care of. We believe protecting cows is a most important component of protecting the earth. According to the ancient Vedic texts the cow is the representative of Mother Earth. And, when the cow and the bull are mistreated, Mother Earth withdraws her bounty.


Activities By Iskcon Nepal For Cow Protection? 

 ISKCON Nepal's cow protection activities

Cow Shelters:
ISKCON Nepal operates several cow shelters or gaushalas, where cows that are abandoned, neglected, or at risk of being slaughtered are provided with shelter, food, and medical care. The gaushalas are staffed by trained volunteers who take care of the cows and also educate visitors about the importance of cow protection.
Organic Farming:
ISKCON Nepal promotes organic farming methods that are based on cow-based agriculture. Cow dung and urine are used as natural fertilizers and pesticides, which helps to improve soil health and reduce the use of harmful chemicals in agriculture. This also promotes the well-being of cows, as they are not subjected to artificial hormones or other chemicals that are commonly used in conventional farming.
Awareness Programs:
ISKCON Nepal conducts awareness programs on the importance of cow protection and the benefits of cow-based agriculture. These programs are conducted in schools, colleges, and other educational institutions, as well as in rural communities. The programs aim to educate people about the importance of cows in Indian culture and how they can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
Cow Adoption:
ISKCON Nepal encourages people to adopt cows and take care of them as part of their spiritual practice. This involves providing the cows with shelter, food, and medical care, as well as offering prayers and other spiritual practices that are aimed at promoting the well-being of the cows.
Research and Development:
ISKCON Nepal is also involved in research and development activities related to cow protection and cow-based agriculture. This includes developing new products and technologies that are based on cow-derived products, as well as conducting research on the health benefits of cow milk, ghee, and other cow-based products.
Overall, ISKCON Nepal's cow protection activities are based on the principles of compassion, sustainability, and spiritual well-being. By promoting the well-being of cows, ISKCON Nepal aims to create a more harmonious and sustainable world for all living beings.


Protect Cows… Protect our Civilization

In the Vedic tradition, cows are worshipped as mothers. According to the scriptures, there are seven mothers: atma-mata (one’s own mother) guroh patni (the wife of one’s teacher) brahmani (the wife of a brahmana) raja-patnika (the wife of the king) dhenu (the cow) dhatri (the nurse) and prithvi (the Earth) are all considered mothers. Just as a child feeds on the breast milk of the mother, human society takes milk from the cow. The bull is also considered the father of human society because just as the father earns to feed the children, the bull tills the earth to produce food grains. So, to kill cows means to end the human civilization.
A civilized man is, therefore, expected to give all protection to the bulls and cows. But, today, people are becoming more and more uncivilized by neglecting such instructions and they are encouraging cow killing. In Rig Veda (9.46.4) it is said: gobhih prinita matsaram: one who is desirous of killing the cow is in the grossest ignorance. Instead of killing the cow and eating its flesh, civilized men must subsist on various milk and agricultural products.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam it is said: gavah panca pavitrani: the cows deliver five products and all of them are pure and uncontaminated. The five products received from the cow are milk, ghee, yogurt, cow dung and urine. These five products, called pancha-gavya, are required in all ritualistic ceremonies performed according to the Vedic instructions.
Cow’s milk is considered the most miraculous food which helps in developing the finer tissues of the brain that helps in understanding the higher purposes of life. It helps one understand the intricacies of transcendental knowledge. Milk can be transformed into yogurt, curd, butter, ghee and by combining the milk and milk products with grains; hundreds of palatable dishes can be prepared. The ghee or clarified butter is used not only for preparing delicacies but also for the sacrificial performances. A patient who is suffering from a disorder of the bowels due to overindulgence in milk products is cured by another milk product, namely curds. Even the urine and stool of cows have medicinal value. Cow dung contains all antiseptic properties and is considered a purifying agent. Cow dung can also be dried and used as fuel. The cow urine and dung are used even for bathing the deities.